Saturday 24 July 2010

A load of pictures


Some pics from my weekend of Mehndi-ing.


Forearm - greenwich market
My first market foot lol.

Random designs on a saturday afternoon x

Thursday 22 July 2010

Guess what the pic is of

Salaams again,

Okay this isn't finished lol, and it's not great, but its the first non-typical henna design that I've done on canvas...Do you know where it is?

Basic Henna Paste


This is my basic henna paste, only for use on skin..I wouldn't use this on canvas or on any wood products etc, and I'm not going to give away my formula for that...I'm slightly paranoid lol...

Put your henna powder into a glass bowl, or plastic if you haven't got glass, preferably with an airtight lid, but you can use clingfilm if necessary.

Add a good amount of sugar...the more sugar, the stickier and stringier the paste will be. Note - Moroccan henna doesn't need much sugar as it is naturally stringy, but if using Rajasthani or Pakistani henna you'll need quite a bit.

Add lemon juice bit by bit until you can no longer see the green powder, and it is a smooth paste.

The paste will preferably be toothpaste like, and will be liquidy to the sight, but smooth and medium thick when mixing with a spoon. Add a few drops of essential oils, e.g. tea tree, to the paste and mix thoroughly.

If the paste falls slowly off of the spoon/spatula then it will be lovely and stringy when you use it inshallah. Cover the paste and leave in a warm - but not hot - place for 10-12 hours or until the very top turns a dark brown. Then mix the paste again, and put it into you cones/bottles/syringes etc...
Have fun trying this inshallah, it's very easy, and you can find the recipe anywhere...but one more place won't hurt lol x

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Help me!


Okay this has absolutely nothing to do with henna...I just need some advice inshallah..

How do you deal with an evil boss? And I don't mean makes you do all their work and takes credit for it evil..although that does happen..I mean, says you've put on weight and look pregnant evil..even when you've lost 5POUNDS!!


Monday 19 July 2010



This is the progression of my latest canvas, kind of giving away my secrets here, but I'm not going to tell you my magic formula, or how i finish them, mwahahahaha LOL, some secrets have to remain just that! Hope you like!

Anyone in the area, drop by greenwich market this friday inshallah x

Sunday 18 July 2010

Almost finished & Greenwich


I got around to doing the large version of this today, it's not completely finished, so don't hate it yet! Lol. Looks like I'm sticking to Greenwich market this week (Look out for LONDON HENNA), so if you're in the area drop by! There's another henna artist there who's just recently started doing canvases aswel =( stealing my business lol, nevermind, Inshallah mine are good enough to sell. Also doing henna on skin (women only of course) lol...

This one has already been bought yay! Alhamdulillah, but I can replicate them, not EXACTLY as they are, because I love the individuality, but let me know if you like it!

Saturday 17 July 2010


To see my ready made canvases as well as custom made canvases, with prices and info, click on the link below and add London Henna as a friend on facebook!